[erlang-questions] Reassigning variables
Richard O'Keefe
Thu Mar 19 04:57:09 CET 2009
On 18 Mar 2009, at 6:35 pm, Matthew Dempsky wrote:
> I'd prefer not to post the actual code that motivated this discussion,
Sigh. I'm _sure_ this would be more use.
> but I will point out some code in OTP that uses numbered variables:
> the Erlang compiler. It uses them quite significantly, with some
> functions
> matthew@REDACTED:~/src/otp_src_R12B-5/lib/compiler/src$ for x in `jot 11
> 0`; do echo -n "St$x: "; cat *.erl | grep -c
> "[^a-zA-Z0-9_]St$x[^0-9]"; done
> St0: 811
> St1: 612
> St2: 300
> St3: 120
> St4: 47
> St5: 29
> St6: 14
> St7: 10
> St8: 6
> St9: 2
> St10: 2
Great! Numbers! I love numbers!
The thing that strikes me here is that although numbered
variables are common, variables with *high* numbers are
rare. Once you get past St0, it's very nearly an exponential
> I'm interested to know how you'd suggest rewriting v3_core:lc_tq/5
> using metaprogramming.
I never said anything about the Erlang compiler.
I said that *YOUR* problem sounded like a case for metaprogramming.
There's a big difference.
Let's look at that function and see what we find.
lc_tq(Line, E, [{generate,Lg,P,G}|Qs0], Mc, St0) ->
{Gs,Qs1} = splitwith(fun is_guard_test/1, Qs0),
{Name,St1} = new_fun_name("lc", St0),
{Head,St2} = new_var(St1),
{Tname,St3} = new_var_name(St2),
LA = lineno_anno(Line, St2),
LAnno = #a{anno=LA},
Tail = #c_var{anno=LA,name=Tname},
{Arg,St4} = new_var(St3),
{Nc,[],St5} = expr({call,Lg,{atom,Lg,Name},[{var,Lg,Tname}]}, St4),
{Guardc,St6} = lc_guard_tests(Gs, St5),
{Lc,Lps,St7} = lc_tq(Line, E, Qs1, Nc, St6),
{Pc,St8} = list_gen_pattern(P, Line, St7),
{Gc,Gps,St9} = safe(G, St8),
Fc = function_clause([Arg], LA, {Name,1}),
case {Guardc, Pc} of
{[], #c_var{}} ->
Cs0 = [#iclause{anno=LAnno,
_ ->
Cs0 = [#iclause{anno=#a{anno=[compiler_generated|LA]},
Cs = case Pc of
nomatch -> Cs0;
_ ->
body=Lps ++ [Lc]}|Cs0]
Fun = #ifun{anno=LAnno,id=[],vars=[Arg],clauses=Cs,fc=Fc},
body=Gps ++ [#iapply{anno=LAnno,
I'll look at just the first clause, that's more than enough.
The first thing I notice is that this is the kind of code that
makes me wonder whether I really like Erlang after all. It
took a bit of head-scratching to figure out that the name
means something like "List Comprehension Translate Qualifier".
Now let's look at the first few state updates.
{Name, St1} = new_fun_name("lc", St0),
{Head, St2} = new_var(St1),
{Tname,St3} = new_var_name(St2),
{Arg, St4} = new_var(St3),
-record(core, {
vcount = 0, %Variable counter
fcount = 0, %Function counter
in_guard = false, %In guard or not.
opts, %Options.
es = [], %Errors.
ws = [], %Warnings.
file = [{file,""}] %File
new_fun_name(Type, #core{fcount=C}=St) ->
{list_to_atom(Type ++ "$^" ++ integer_to_list(C)),St#core{fcount=C
new_var_name(#core{vcount=C}=St) ->
{list_to_atom("cor" ++ integer_to_list(C)),St#core{vcount=C + 1}}.
new_var(St0) -> % simplified
{New,St} = new_var_name(St0),
I'm immediately struck by the fact that these three updates could
be done in any order. We could imagine a "combo method"
st_new(Ops, St) -> st_new(Ops, [], St).
st_new([], R, St) -> {reverse(R),St};
st_new([{fun_name,Type}|Ops], R, St0 = #core{fcount=C}) ->
F = list_to_atom(Type ++ "$^" ++ integer_to_list(C)),
St1 = St0#core{fcount = C+1},
st_new(Ops, [F|R], St1);
st_new([var|Ops], R, St0 = #core{vcount = C}) ->
V = list_to_atom("core" ++ integer_to_list(C),
I = #c_var{anno = [], name = V},
St1 = St0#core{vcount = C+1},
st_new(Ops, [I|R], St1);
st_new([var_name|Ops], St0) ->
V = list_to_atom("core" ++ integer_to_list(C),
St1 = St0#core{vcount = C+1},
st_new(Ops, [V|R], St1);
instead of all the little methods, and then
{[Name,Head,TName,Arg],St4} =
st_new([{fun_name,"lc"},var,var_name,var], St),
Not a big step, but
- it makes clear which sequences of "operations" don't really
need to be done in any particular sequence
- it does save 3 of the state variables.
But that misses the point too.
What I'm really itching to do is to rewrite in Haskell
using a State monad:
-changer(core, [lc_tq/4, new_fun_name/0, new_var/0, new_var_name/0,
expr/2, lc_guard_tets/1, list_gen_pattern/2, safe/1
-reader( core, [lineno_anno/1]).
lc_tq(Line, E, [{generate,Lg,P,G}|Qs0], Mc) ->
{Gs,Qs1} = splitwith(fun is_guard_test/1, Qs0),
Name = new_fun_name("lc"),
Head = new_var(),
Tname = new_var_name(),
LA = lineno_anno(Line),
LAnno = #a{anno=LA},
Tail = #c_var{anno=LA,name=Tname},
Arg = new_var(),
{Nc,[]} = expr({call,Lg,{atom,Lg,Name},[{var,Lg,Tname}]}),
Guardc = lc_guard_tests(Gs),
{Lc,Lps} = lc_tq(Line, E, Qs1, Nc),
{c = list_gen_pattern(P, Line),
{Gc,Gps} = safe(G),
Fc = function_clause([Arg], LA, {Name,1}),
Cs0 = if Guardc == [], is_record(Pc, c_var) ->
[#iclause{anno = LAnno,
pats = [#c_literal{anno=LA,val=[]}],
guard= [],
body = [Mc]}]
; true ->
[#iclause{anno = #a{anno=[compiler_generated|LA]},
pats = [#c_cons{anno=LA,hd=Head,tl=Tail}],
guard= [],
body = [Nc]},
#iclause{anno = LAnno,
pats = [#c_literal{anno=LA,val=[]}],
guard= [],
body = [Mc]}]
Cs = if Pc == nomatch ->
; true ->
[#iclause{anno = LAnno,
pats = [#c_cons{anno=LA,hd=Pc,tl=Tail}],
guard= Guardc,
body = Lps ++ [Lc]}|Cs0]
Fun = #ifun{anno=LAnno,id=[],vars=[Arg],clauses=Cs,fc=Fc},
body=Gps ++ [#iapply{anno=LAnno,
where a declaration like
-changer(Type, [...F/N...]).
means that a call P = F(E1,...,EN)
really stands for {P,S1} = F(E1,...,EN,S0)
and a declaration like
-reader(Type, [...F/N...]).
means that a call P = F(E1,...,EN)
really stands for P = F(E1,...,EN,S0)
with the Si being threaded through automatically.
This is just like, indeed in all important essentials, it _is_
the DCG rule to ordinary clause translation of Prolog.
Just as metaprogramming turns
p(X, Y) --> q(X), r(Y).
p(X, Y, S0, S) :- q(X, S0, S1), r(Y, S1, S)
in Prolog, so it could turn
f(X) -> Y = g(X), h(X, Y)
f(X, S0) -> {Y,S1} = g(X, S0), h(X, Y, S1)
in Erlang.
It's not _trivial_ (as I know to my cost), but it's not
rocket science either.
So, much to my surprise, the answer seems to be yes,
metaprogramming _would_ help this a lot.
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