[erlang-questions] Please help me relate a past project to Erlang, I'm trying to understand...

Robert Lally rob.lally@REDACTED
Wed Mar 18 12:11:45 CET 2009

As I've been learning Erlang, this has been the hardest thing to get to
grips with. The fact that I often don't need to explicitly store my state
anywhere, it will hang out in a receive block waiting for me to get back to
it seems counter-intuitive. I crave a neat, labelled pigeon hole to store my
state in .. but I don't need it.

Rob Lally.

2009/3/18 Thomas Lindgren <thomasl_erlang@REDACTED>

> ----- Original Message ----
> > From: bill robertson <billrobertson42+erlang@REDACTED<billrobertson42%2Berlang@REDACTED>
> >
> > To: erlang-questions@REDACTED
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 3:59:07 AM
> > Subject: Re: [erlang-questions] Please help me relate a past project to
> Erlang, I'm trying to understand...
> >
> > Thats good.  Now, to make it *stateful* (and this is the heart of the
> > question).  Suppose you have the requirement to allow a web user to
> > view the call as it is in progress and show them who is connected
> > (telephone number), and how long they have been connected, and also
> > who is disconnected and how long they were connected.
> >
> > To do this, you need to track three items for each participant.  The
> > telephone number.  The start time, and a stop time.
> >
> > So network request comes in, we have to enumerate those pieces of
> > information for it and send them back to the client.
> >
> > How would you implement this in a typical Erlang system?
> The simplest approach is to use plain erlang and message passing. Something
> like:
> start_conference_call(Name) ->
>   spawn_link(
>     fun() ->
>       register(Name, self()),
>       Empty_state = [],
>       conf_call_loop(Empty_state)
>    end).
> conf_call_loop(Callers) ->
>   receive
>      {join, Caller} ->
>         Time = erlang:now(),
>         conf_call_loop([{Caller, Time}|Callers]);   %% add a new caller
>      {leave, Caller} ->
>         conf_call_loop(delete_caller(Caller, Callers));  %% delete a caller
>     {message, From, Msg} ->     %% send message to all participants
>         send_to_all(Callers, Msg),
>         conf_call_loop(Callers);
>     {status, Asker} ->   %% send status to asking process
>         Asker ! {status, Callers},
>         conf_call_loop(Callers);
>     stop ->
>         ok
>   end.
> %% Client API
> status(ConfCall) ->
>   ConfCall ! {status, self()},
>   receive
>      {status, Callers} -> {status, Callers}
>   end.
> ... (code for some left-out functions) ...
> So, the conference call process keeps its state as a list passed arounf in
> conf_call_loop/1. Callers can join and leave and send messages to each
> other, all by sending messages to this process. You can also ask for status
> (which here just returns the list of callers and their join time) and stop
> the process. So, the conference call process itself is just a tail recursive
> function conf_call_loop/1 that processes messages forever (or until
> stopped). The state = list of callers lives as long as the conference call
> process.
> (Each caller would then itself be an erlang process, passing messages
> to/from the telephony driver and conference call process and any others
> involved.)
> Now, this is of course just a sketch, since the code is sloppy and you'd
> want to handle more cases in practice, _but_ it demonstrates the very
> simplest way to keep state.
> Best,
> Thomas
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Blog : http://robertlally.com
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