[erlang-questions] Reassigning variables

mats cronqvist masse@REDACTED
Wed Mar 18 11:44:54 CET 2009

bill robertson <billrobertson42+erlang@REDACTED> writes:

>>  So I think the X1 = f(X), X2 = f(X1) anti-pattern is not a weakness
>>  of the language; it's Erlang's way of telling you that you should
>>  use more functions.
>>  mats
> This is an honest question.  How is re-assignment of local variables
> bad?

  it is also easier to debug code with many small functions, because
  of the trace functionality. E.g. using redbug, a small wrapper
  around erlang:trace/trace_pattern;

  105> redbug:start(10000,20,{erlang,now}).
11:38:51 <timer_server> {erlang,now,[]}
11:38:51 <timer_server> {erlang,now,[]}
11:38:51 <kdb_sync> {erlang,now,[]}
11:38:52 <{yaws_server,gserv,3}> {erlang,now,[]}
11:38:52 <{yaws_server,gserv,3}> {erlang,now,[]}

  Basically, it's like having a printf at every function head.

  The trace function alone is reason enough never to number variables,
  nest cases or anything else that promotes large functions.


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