[erlang-questions] Native code for Windows/MacOS?

Jim McCoy jim.mccoy@REDACTED
Fri Jun 26 07:11:15 CEST 2009

On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 9:27 PM, Richard O'Keefe<ok@REDACTED> wrote:
> The obvious question is: if the instructions were posted
> back in 2006, which they were, what is keeping this out
> of the distribution in 2009?

The mach_override code injection stuff is _very_ much in the category
of "unsupported by Apple and could disappear at the next OS update, we
warned you, we really did" and is quite likely to lead to a future
breakage.  If the upcoming Snow Leopard release includes some of the
rumored security improvements it is quite possible that this will stop
working before the end of the year.


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