[erlang-questions] merl_scan:file/1

prasantha kumara jlprasantha@REDACTED
Thu Feb 12 12:47:59 CET 2009

 Hi all,
I tried write an erlang programe to read a xml file. i wrote a xml file and
the dtd file.
When i tried to compile the {ParsResult,Misc}=xmerl_scan:
in erl prompt. it gives following errors.
** exception error: no case clause matching {error,enoent}
    in function  xmerl_scan:fetch_DTD/2
    in call from xmerl_scan:scan_doctype2/3
    in call from xmerl_scan:scan_prolog/3
    in call from xmerl_scan:scan_document/2
    in call from xmerl_scan:file/2

Can anybody tell me the reason of that exception?
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