[erlang-questions] Erlide packageability (was Re: "Erlang as a First Language" -- crazy? or juststupid?)

egarrulo egarrulo@REDACTED
Tue Dec 22 21:20:37 CET 2009

2009/12/22 Garrett Smith <g@REDACTED>

> If you just want to teach the language, any editor that supports
> syntax highlighting for Erlang should be fine. You are talking about a
> full featured functional language - anyone using Erlang really should
> be more than capable of figuring out how to use a text editor. Sheesh
> :)

Why should a newbie be fine with just a syntax-highlighting editor? Newbies
do need more help from tools, not less. I maintain that an easy way to
compile and run projects and a source-level debugger are vital.

If you want to keep it basic, you could setup an IDE with
Emacs+ErlangMode+Distel and adjust it to your needs (no need to learn Emacs
for that).

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