
mike h mike_k_houghton@REDACTED
Sun Dec 13 13:09:45 CET 2009

Hi All,

I've just started learning Erland and I'm really excited by it!
I have a couple of questions. 

I have a lot of experience in OO languages and quite a bit in some of the imperative/functional hybrids like Ruby etc. My main interest in Erlang is in it's concurrent and  distributed capabilities, so,  which of the two main Erlang books would folk reccommend?  (I think I'm right in saying there are currently just two main books, one by Oreilly and one by Erlang's designer)

Next question is a bit more open ended. I have a particular interest in tuple spaces  (JavaSpaces, Linda, Rinda etc) and their implementation and application.. And I want to use Erlang to implement a tuple space server and client. At the moment I've not really yet  got into the Erlang 'mindset' but my initial idea is to use a process to represent a Tuple and have one process as the space server and a message to that server would create a tuple (ie process) based on the message details. 

Any comments, advice, pointers to existing implementations of a tuple space etc etc would be welcome,




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