help with gen_fsm for a new erlang user
Greg Smyth
Mon Aug 17 15:22:51 CEST 2009
Hi all,
I'm learning erlang/OTP and I'm trying to write a pretty simple gen_fsm
service, but i'm having a bit of trouble and was wondering if someone could
help correct my mistakes:-
The service should have 2 states:-
1) waiting - where it will be waiting on a specified timeout.
2) running - where it will be running a function over a list of hosts
(specified in 'Hostlist' dictionary with the host as the key)
The code i have compiles ok, and returns {ok, Pid} from start_link/1 - but i
see none of my io:format messages ever appear...
Here's the code:-
%% API
%% gen_fsm callbacks
-export([init/1, wait/2, run/2, wait/3, run/3, handle_event/3,
handle_sync_event/4, handle_info/3, terminate/3, code_change/4]).
%% internals
-define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
start_link(Hostlist) ->
gen_fsm:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, Hostlist, []).
init(Hostlist) ->
{ok, wait, Hostlist, 30000}.
wait(timeout, State) ->
{next_state, run, State}.
run(_Event, State) ->
Hosts = dict:fetch_keys(State),
case lists:foreach(fun(Elem) -> runner_fsm:pinger(Elem) end, Hosts) of
ok ->
fail ->
{next_state, wait, State, 30000}.
wait(_Event, _From, State) ->
Reply = ok,
{reply, Reply, wait, State, 30000}.
run(_Event, _From, State) ->
Reply = ok,
{reply, Reply, run, State}.
handle_event(_Event, StateName, State) ->
{next_state, StateName, State}.
handle_sync_event(Event, From, StateName, State) ->
Reply = ok,
{reply, Reply, StateName, State}.
handle_info(_Info, StateName, State) ->
{next_state, StateName, State}.
terminate(_Reason, _StateName, _State) ->
code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, StateName, State}.
pinger(Host) ->
Command = lists:concat(["ping -c 1 ", Host, "; echo $?"]),
ExitCode = lists:last(string:tokens(os:cmd(Command), "\n")),
case ExitCode of
"0" -> io:format("OK: ~p~n", [Host]),
_ -> io:format("BAD: ~p~n", [Host]),
Any ideas/hints as to what i'm doing wrong?
Many thanks,
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