limiting gen_server

Micha micha-1@REDACTED
Sun Aug 9 11:17:22 CEST 2009


I want to restrict the simultanous calls my gen_server handles, since it calls 
a network service itself and should not flood it :-)

I do it that way:
I keep a counter in the state and when the counter reaches the maximum I do 
the following:
%% normal handling:
handle_info({udp, Socket, IPtuple, InPortNo, Packet}, State)
		when State#state.cnt < ?LIMIT -> spawn(fun() -> ... end), ...;

%% max reached:
handle_info({udp, _Socket, _IPtuple, _InPortNo, _Packet} = Msg, State) ->
     erlang:send_after(random:uniform(20)+10, self(), Msg),
    {noreply, State};

is this o.k. ?


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