[ANN] "Reverse" help lookup a la railsapi.com

Dmitrii Dimandt dmitriid@REDACTED
Sat Aug 8 12:15:44 CEST 2009


Have you ever worked through somebody else's code and wondered what  
this or that function does? Thi is especially true when you're looking  
at source code for a well-known project in search for tips on how to  
solve certain problems.

What does c:nc/2 do? What options does inet:setopts/2 accept? And so on.

Andrew Rudenko [1] on the erlang-russian [2] mailing list decided to  
solve this problem.

Getting his inspiration from the Rails API site [3], he made an analog  
for Erlang: http://erlapi.prepor.ru/docs/

You may think "yeah, right, just a pretty doc site" and you'll be  
wrong. Just try searching for the aforementioned c:nc and inet:setopts  
functions to get the idea of what this really is.

- Generator (in Ruby) that was used to generate the docs is here: http://github.com/prepor/erlapi/tree
- You can download generated docs for local viewing here: http://github.com/prepor/erlapi-static/tree/master

[1] Andrew Rudenko: http://prepor.ru/

[2] erlang-russian mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/erlang-russian/

[3] Rails API site: http://railsapi.com/doc/rails-v2.3.3.1/

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