[erlang-questions] Couple of questions about mnesia locking
Ryan Lepidi
Sun Apr 5 19:53:25 CEST 2009
I apreciate your guys' help. I have a question though, what would happen in
this situation?
NodeA reads balance of 5; gets read lock on record
NodeB reads balance of 5; gets read lock on record %on another node, so
read lock is possible
NodeB writes balance of 15; gets write lock on record %does the write then
releases the lock
NodeA writes balance of 10; gets write lock on record
NodeA would have a stale value and NodeB would not have to wait for any
locks, so neither of them would restart afaik. I know one way to prevent
this is to acquire a write lock at the beginning, but how can you do that
with an index_read? It seems the only way to do that would be to read the
object then wread() it again with the object's primary key. Blech. Hopefully
there is some other solution?
Actually, after reading Ulf's reply, I just realized what I typed is
probably answered by what he said. Do you mean ALL locks are acquired before
any records are read or written? So in other words, the situation above is
On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 3:27 AM, Ulf Wiger
> Hynek Vychodil wrote:
>> mnesia uses optimistic locking. When NodeB's write is called than
>> transaction fails and is restarted. This is why mneasia transaction should
>> not contain side-effects. See mnesia manual for details.
> Actually, no. Mnesia waits for the locks needed before
> proceeding, and keeps the locks until it either aborts
> or commits. However, in any locking environment, one
> must guard against deadlocks. If the lock manager is
> centralized, it's possible to maintain a wait-for graph,
> which is scanned each time a new lock is requested.
> This approach doesn't scale in a distributed setting,
> so an alternative approach, called "deadlock prevention",
> is to allow only unidirectional dependencies (for some
> definition of unidirectional - e.g. from smaller to
> larger pids.) If a lock is requested that would create
> a dependency in the other direction, one of the
> transactions involved is restarted. This is why mnesia
> transactions can restart sometimes.
> BR,
> Ulf W
> --
> Ulf Wiger
> CTO, Erlang Training & Consulting Ltd
> http://www.erlang-consulting.com
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