[erlang-questions] Is it a Bug? odbc:param_query when using in_or_out() in Params list
Akos kutvolgyi
Tue Oct 28 14:28:45 CET 2008
Hello All
The documentation says the following about Params in the param_query section
Params = [{odbc_data_type(), [value()]}] |[{odbc_data_type(),
in_or_out(), [value()]}]
So the Params List's element could be a tuple with three elements.
in odbc.erl
param_query(ConnectionReference, SQLQuery, Params, infinity)
when pid(ConnectionReference), list(SQLQuery), list(Params) ->
[{_, Values} | _] = Params, This line may cause badmatch :(
NoRows = length(Values),
NewParams = lists:map(fun fix_params/1, Params),
ODBCCmd = [?PARAM_QUERY, term_to_binary({SQLQuery ++ [?STR_TERMINATOR],
NoRows, NewParams})],
call(ConnectionReference, {param_query, ODBCCmd}, infinity);
Instead of that line we should use
[H|_T] = Params,
Values =
case H of
{_,_,Vals} -> Vals;
{_,Vals} -> Vals;
Or I mistaking something :S
Ákos Kútvölgyi
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