[erlang-questions] appmon doesn't start

Dmitriy Kargapolov dmitriy.kargapolov@REDACTED
Fri Oct 17 18:41:23 CEST 2008

1) Does X11 work at all? Try xclock in system shell for example.
2) Does gs work? Try
gs:config(gs:create(window,gs:start()),{map,true}). in Erlang shell.

On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 12:13 PM, Sergey A. <n39052@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hello.
> I tried to use appmon (which looks very helpful to overview the
> structure of running application), but my efforts weren't successful.
> appmon doesn't start.
> After the following command:
> appmon:start()
> nothing happens. The function just doesn't return control and new
> windows aren't created.
> Are there any additional steps needed to get appmon to work?
> Maybe, it is an Archlinux specific bug. Please tell me, if appmon
> works fine on your Linux (in this case, what distribution do you
> use?).
> I use Erlang R12B.3 from Archlinux repository.
> Thanks.
> --
> Sergey
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