[erlang-questions] disk tests
Joe Armstrong
Thu Oct 9 15:18:07 CEST 2008
I've written a little program to test writing to disk - I need to
create a number of large random access files
and was running some tests when I ran into problems. As I write files
to disk the erlang process grows
and eventually I hit some kind of memory limits and the system slows to a crawl.
It also has this behavior for sequential writes to disk. Also the data
rate to disk is not as fast as I would have
Is this a bug or a feature?
Here's a program that reproduces this. When I run disk_test:test() my
system slows to a crawl.
Can anybody explain what is happening here?
%% Time-stamp: <2008-10-09 15:16:16 joe>
-import(lists, [min/1, duplicate/2]).
%% This program was supposed to test how fast I could write to disk
%% but when I run it, it virtually stops the system.
%% I create a 2 Meg file filled with zeros, then a 4 Meg file
%% then a 6 Meg file and so on.
%% By the time I get to creating a 40 MByte file the system has slowed to
%% a crawl. The total data written at this point is around 500 Meg.
%% If I watch the Memory usage my Erlang process has run up to 2GB of
%% memory and the entire system crawls along. I then have to kill Erlang.
%% The first few lines of output when I run this are as follows:
%% > disk_test:test().
%% Creating a 2 Megabyte file
%% {created,2,megs,in,0.225377,secs,8.874019975418966,
%% megaBytesPerSec}.
%% Creating a 4 Megabyte file
%% {created,6,megs,in,0.49773,secs,12.054728467241276,
%% megaBytesPerSec}.
%% Creating a 6 Megabyte file
%% {created,12,megs,in,0.930026,secs,12.902865081191278,
%% megaBytesPerSec}.
%% Creating a 8 Megabyte file
%% {created,20,megs,in,1.461848,secs,13.681312968242937,
%% megaBytesPerSec}.
%% Creating a 10 Megabyte file
%% {created,30,megs,in,2.213844,secs,13.551090320727207,
%% megaBytesPerSec}.
%% Creating a 12 Megabyte file
%% {created,42,megs,in,2.926186,secs,14.353154584158355,
%% megaBytesPerSec}.
%% I'm managing to write about 12 MBytes/sec
%% I suspect the disk is capable of about 70 MB/sec
%% (just a guess)
%% What's happening here? - why does the process size grow so large?
test() ->
make_file_seq(N,_,_) when N > 60 ->
make_file_seq(N,Tot,Tstart) ->
Secs = duration(Tstart),
Rate = Tot/Secs,
io:format("~p.~n",[{created, Tot,
megs,in, Secs,secs, Rate,megaBytesPerSec}]),
make_file_seq(N+2, Tot+N+2, Tstart).
duration(Tstart) ->
(now_micros() - Tstart)/1000000.
now_micros() ->
{Mega,Sec,Micro} = erlang:now(),
(Mega*1000000 + Sec)*1000000 + Micro.
make_file_seq0(N) ->
io:format("Creating a ~p Megabyte file~n",[N]),
File = "tmp",
{ok, S} = file:open(File, [write]),
Size = N * 1000000,
zero_file_seqwrite(S, Size),
Size = filelib:file_size(File). %% just checking :-)
%% zero_file_seqwrite_seqwrite(FileHandle, Len)
%% writes Len zeros to a file
zero_file_seqwrite(S, Len) ->
N = min([Len, 4096]),
B = list_to_binary(duplicate(N, 0)),
zero_file_seqwrite(S, Len, B, N).
zero_file_seqwrite(S, Len, B, Size) when Size > Len ->
file:write(S, [B]),
zero_file_seqwrite(S, Len-Size, B, Size);
zero_file_seqwrite(S, Len, _, _) ->
B = list_to_binary(duplicate(Len, 0)),
file:write(S, [B]).
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