[erlang-questions] typer bug?
Anthony Shipman
Wed Oct 1 20:11:30 CEST 2008
I've got a recursive type specification. typer didn't seem to cope:
> grep xmlNode */*l
common/dwcConfig.erl:-spec loadConfig() -> {ok, xmlNode()} | {error,
common/dwcConfig.erl:-spec toSimpleTree(xmlElement()) -> xmlNode().
common/dwcTypes.hrl:-type xmlNode() :: {Name::atom(), [{atom(),
string()}], [xmlNode()]}.
> typer --plt ../.erlang_plt -r .
typer: analysis failed with error report:
Unknown type xmlNode
dwcConfig includes the dwcTypes.hrl file.
Anthony Shipman Mamas don't let your babies
als@REDACTED grow up to be outsourced.
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