[erlang-questions] eep: multiple patterns
Per Melin
Sat May 31 11:05:28 CEST 2008
2008/5/31 Christopher Atkins <christopher316@REDACTED>:
> If I uncomment the line in [loop1/0] below, performance for
> that loop degrades by an order of magnitude. Why is that?
You have a bug: N rem 2 =:= 2 can never be true. So you're only
sending 'test1' messages. If you fix that, you should see very
different results, even though you're only measuring the time it takes
to *send* the messages. A tip is to lower the number of messages to
100000 unless you want to bring your machine to its knees.
(I apologize to everyone for hijacking this thread.)
> -module(test_receive).
> -compile(export_all).
> start() ->
> statistics(runtime),
> statistics(wall_clock),
> PidLoop1 = spawn(?MODULE, loop1,[]),
> sender(PidLoop1, 10000000),
> {_, Loop1Time1} = statistics(runtime),
> {_, Loop1Time2} = statistics(wall_clock),
> io:format("Sent ~p messages in ~p /~p~n", [100000, Loop1Time1,
> Loop1Time2]),
> statistics(runtime),
> statistics(wall_clock),
> PidLoop2 = spawn(?MODULE, loop2,[]),
> sender(PidLoop2, 10000000),
> {_, Loop2Time1} = statistics(runtime),
> {_, Loop2Time2} = statistics(wall_clock),
> io:format("Sent ~p messages in ~p /~p~n", [100000, Loop2Time1,
> Loop2Time2]).
> sender(_, 0) -> void;
> sender(Pid, N) ->
> if
> N rem 2 =:= 2 ->
> Pid ! test2;
> true ->
> Pid ! test1
> end,
> sender(Pid, N - 1).
> proc1(F) ->
> receive
> start -> spawn_link(F)
> end.
> loop1() ->
> receive
> %%test1 -> loop1();
> test2 -> loop1()
> end.
> loop2() ->
> receive
> _ -> loop2()
> end.
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