[erlang-questions] gproc

Ben Hood 0x6e6562@REDACTED
Fri May 23 22:08:04 CEST 2008

I think I've answered my own question:

1. svn co http://svn.ulf.wiger.net/gproc/ gproc
2. cd gproc
3. find . -name '*.erl' -exec erlc -o ebin {} \;
4. erl -pa ebin/ -boot start_sasl

1> gproc:info(whereis(gproc),gproc).

So simple, this is why I love Erlang.


On 23 May 2008, at 20:58, Ben Hood wrote:

> Hi,
> I've read through Ulf's paper about gproc and would like to try out  
> the code in svn,
> I'm assuming that I have to apply all of the patches to my OTP  
> installation.
> Is there an easy way to do this, e.g. compiling them locally and  
> starting Erlang with them in the load path?
> Thx,
> Ben

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