[erlang-questions] managing large records
Thomas Lindgren
Sun May 11 20:35:28 CEST 2008
--- Szabolcs Berecz <szabolcs.berecz@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a record with a lot of fields which are
> updated nontrivially. I
> tried to create a process for this task which looks
> like this:
> -record(mm, {a=1,b=4,c}).
> new() ->
> loop(#mm{}).
> loop(Mm) ->
> receive
> {set, Field, Value} ->
> loop(Mm#mm{Field=Value});
> {get, Pid} ->
> Pid ! Mm,
> loop(Mm)
> end.
> But as you probably know, it doesn't work because it
> needs to now the
> value of Field at compile time (or at least, that's
> what I have
> concluded).
> So, my question is: how would you solve the problem
> (lot's of fields,
> almost random updates)?
As mentioned before, dict or similar is probably a
fine choice. Another option is to roll your own:
0. Map field names to integers by hand.
n(field_1) -> 1;
n(field_k) -> K;
n(_) -> exit(unknown_field).
1. represent the fields as a tuple Rec of K elements,
with elements starting as undefined (for instance)
2. Read/write the fields using
element(n(Field), Rec)
setelement(n(Field), Rec, Value)
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