[erlang-questions] erlang:localtime_to_universaltime/2 work unexpect?

成立涛 litaocheng@REDACTED
Fri May 9 06:21:57 CEST 2008

Hi everyone.
When I using erlang:localtime_to_universaltime/2 , I have some doubt.
My time zone is GMT + 8, asia/shanghai(china).
this segment is printed out from my erl:

> lists:map(fun(I) -> erlang:localtime_to_universaltime(I, true) end, [
{{1977, 7, 10}, {10, 20, 03}},
{{1978, 7, 10}, {10, 20, 03}},
{{1997, 7, 10}, {10, 20, 03}},
{{1999, 7, 10}, {10, 20, 3}},
{{2000, 7, 10}, {10, 20, 3}},
{{2008, 5, 9}, {10, 20, 03}}]).


I find from 1978 to 1999 the DST is active, other not.
I can't understand why have this  phenomenon. everyone can give me an

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