[erlang-questions] Preventing a race condition when using dets/ets
Mats Cronqvist
Wed May 7 17:25:23 CEST 2008
Dave Bryson wrote:
> On May 7, 2008, at 8:57 AM, Paul Fisher wrote:
>> On Wed, 2008-05-07 at 08:48 -0500, Dave Bryson wrote:
>>> Say for example I have the following code:
>>> {_,N} = ets:lookup(?MODULE,counter),
>>> ok = ets:insert(?MODULE, {counter, N+1}).
>> Two options:
>> 1) use ets:update_counter/3, if it is really an integer value with the
>> table being public
>> 2) have a gen_server process "own" the ets table and perform all
>> operations on behalf of callers (gen_server:call/2, 3) with the table
>> being private
> Thanks for the response. So just to be clear, if the only access to
> the ets table is through calls to a gen_server process, it
> (gen_server) will ensure that only one process at a time can access
> the ets table?
the only way to ensure atomicity when using ets is to have a table
owning process (it doesn't have to be a gen_server, of course). you can
set the 'private' attribute on the table (see ets:new/2) to ensure this.
given this;
15> F = fun(T)-> [{_,N}] =
ets:lookup(T,counter),ets:insert(T,{counter, N+1}) end.
16> ets:new(foo,[named_table,private]).
17> ets:insert(foo,{counter,0}).
18> F(foo).
19> ets:lookup(foo,counter).
the gen_server could be pretty generic;
<boilerplate />
handle_call({atomic,F},_From,State) -> {reply,F(?MODULE),State}.
warning: code is totally untested. only proven correct by extensive
model checking.
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