[erlang-questions] LFE - Lisp Flavoured Erlang released
Torbjorn Tornkvist
Tue Mar 11 09:04:54 CET 2008
Well, the notion that M:F/Arity is unique doesn't need to hold
if you're implementing your own language on top of Erlang core, or ?
As an example, look at my little Haskell-to-Erlang experiment:
As you can see, it is also possible to make user-defined guards
when you're rolling your own language on top of Erlang core.
Cheers, Tobbe
Kevin Scaldeferri wrote:
> On Mar 10, 2008, at 2:11 PM, Torbjorn Tornkvist wrote:
>> Perhaps a stupid question. Do LFE implement currying?
>> If not, why?
>> I want currying... :-)
> Here's something I threw together in a couple minutes:
> %% F({a,b}) -> F'(a,b)
> curry(F, Arity) ->
> if
> Arity =:= 1 -> fun(A) -> F({A}) end;
> Arity =:= 2 -> fun(A,B) -> F({A,B}) end;
> Arity =:= 3 -> fun(A,B,C) -> F({A,B,C}) end;
> Arity =:= 4 -> fun(A,B,C,D) -> F({A,B,C,D}) end;
> Arity =:= 5 -> fun(A,B,C,D,E) -> F({A,B,C,D,E}) end;
> true -> throw(unsupported_arity)
> end.
> %% F(a,b) -> F'({a,b})
> uncurry(F) ->
> fun(Tuple) -> apply(F, tuple_to_list(Tuple)) end.
> A gross hack, to be sure, although I can't see how you could have any
> hope to avoid having to specify an Arity to curry(). Maybe there's a
> way to implement it less horribly, though.
> BTW, did you actually mean that you want partial application? Via a
> similar process:
> papply(F, Arity, Arg) ->
> if
> Arity =:= 1 -> fun() -> F(Arg) end;
> Arity =:= 2 -> fun(A) -> F(Arg,A) end;
> Arity =:= 3 -> fun(A,B) -> F(Arg,A,B) end;
> Arity =:= 4 -> fun(A,B,C) -> F(Arg,A,B,C) end;
> Arity =:= 5 -> fun(A,B,C,D) -> F(Arg,A,B,C,D) end;
> true -> throw(unsupported_arity)
> end.
> -kevin
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