[erlang-questions] [eeps] EEP 9
Serge Aleynikov
Fri Mar 7 13:41:59 CET 2008
In addition to what others already have said, this function would be
binary:join(List, Delim) -> binary()
List = [binary()] | [string()]
Delim = binary() | string()
> binary:join([<<"abc">>, <<"def">>], <<$|>>).
> binary:join(["abc", "def"], [$|]).
Very good work!
Fredrik Svahn wrote:
> Thanks for the positive response both here an on the EEPs mailing list!
> My suggestion is that we continue the discussion regarding EEP-9 here
> on the erlang-questions mailing list since it has a broader audience
> than eeps@REDACTED I think it would make it a lot easier if we can
> keep it in this thread.
> For those who do not subscribe to the eeps mailing list, I would like
> to once again stress that this EEP does not cover improvements which
> requires changes to the compiler. It has been suggested to me that the
> smaller the EEP the faster it gets implemented so let us please keep
> the scope as narrow as possible. There is always room for new EEPs.
> A shortcut to EEP-9: http://www.erlang.org/eeps/eep-0009.html
> Now, to answer your questions:
>> 1) Can the reference implementation be made available publicly as a
>> patch to R12B-1? (Or actually in any fashion would be great.)
> The reference implementation in erlang is attached, the c part will
> follow in the next message as there is a maximum message size on
> erlang-questions. It matches the described functions minus what was
> added after a first round of comments from the OTP developers (the
> regexps for instance are probably going to have many more features
> after what I hear!). I may also have added one or two relatively
> simple functions, e.g. atom_to_binary, after the implementation was
> submitted.
>> 2) Which algorithm was choosen for the binary:match()? For multiple
>> keyword, Aho-Corasick would be great, especially if the interface was
>> something like this:
> In the reference implementation Aho-Corasick was indeed used for
> multiple keywords. Boyer-Moore was a logical choice for single
> keywords and there was even a brute force approach for short
> keywords/searchstrings.
>> MatchContext = binary:match_compile( [<<"the">>, <<"big">>,
>> <<"frog">>] ),
>> Value = <<"when we had a frog, he was big">>,
>> [{3, 14}, {2, 27}] = binary:match( MatchContext, Value )
> Thanks for the comment. I think it makes a lot of sense to have a
> separation of the building of the trie and the actual searching as you
> suggest, especially if you are searching many binaries for the same
> keyword(s). I am not sure how easy it would be to implement it,
> though. I guess the returned match context would have to be some kind
> of reference or packed in a binary. Maybe someone from the OTP team
> could comment on that. I actually wanted to have the same thing for
> regular expressions.
> I note that you also want a function which returns all the matches not
> just the first one. Given that binary:match/3 takes indexes of the
> start and end position of the search it is easy to also add a function
> "binary:matches/2" in binary.erl which returns all the matches by
> repeatedly calling match/3. Having both "match/2" and "matches/2"
> would be similar to how it is done in the regexp module.
> BR /Fredrik
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