[erlang-questions] is there any logging module for erlang?
devdoer bird
Thu Jun 12 15:36:48 CEST 2008
thanks but it also doesn't support log filtering.
Here is the explanation of filtering from python manual.
Filters can be used by Handlers and Loggers for more sophisticated filtering
than is provided by levels. The base filter class only allows events which
are below a certain point in the logger hierarchy. For example, a filter
initialized with "A.B" will allow events logged by loggers "A.B", "A.B.C",
"A.B.C.D", "A.B.D" etc. but not "A.BB", "B.A.B" etc. If initialized with the
empty string, all events are passed.
*class Filter*( [name]) Returns an instance of the Filter class. If
nameis specified, it names a logger which, together with its children,
will have
its events allowed through the filter. If no name is specified, allows every
*filter*( record) Is the specified record to be logged? Returns zero for
no, nonzero for yes. If deemed appropriate, the record may be modified
in-place by this method.
I think I need write one by myself.
Thank you .
2008/6/12, Ulf Wiger (TN/EAB) <ulf.wiger@REDACTED>:
> devdoer bird skrev:
>> Thanks.
>> I've seen the error logger,but I need code something to make It support
>> ciritcal levelt setting(info/debug/warming/error) and filterting(which can
>> define conditions control whether one specific log record should be printed
>> )
>> What I need is more like log4cpp or python's logging module.
>> And I've stolen some logging code from couchdb and ejabbered ,but they
>> only support critical level setting .
>> Is any other logging package you guys know?
> You can take a look at how mnesia does it.
> Basically, it's this code in mnesia_lib.erl.
> BR,
> Ulf W
> report_system_event({'EXIT', Reason}, Event) ->
> Mod = mnesia_monitor:get_env(event_module),
> case mnesia_sup:start_event() of
> {ok, Pid} ->
> link(Pid),
> gen_event:call(mnesia_event, Mod, Event, infinity),
> unlink(Pid),
> %% We get an exit signal if server dies
> receive
> {'EXIT', Pid, _Reason} ->
> {error, {node_not_running, node()}}
> after 0 ->
> gen_event:stop(mnesia_event),
> ok
> end;
> Error ->
> Msg = "Mnesia(~p): Cannot report event ~p: ~p (~p)~n",
> error_logger:format(Msg, [node(), Event, Reason, Error])
> end;
> report_system_event(_Res, _Event) ->
> ignore.
> %% important messages are reported regardless of debug level
> important(Format, Args) ->
> save({Format, Args}),
> report_system_event({mnesia_info, Format, Args}).
> %% Warning messages are reported regardless of debug level
> warning(Format, Args) ->
> save({Format, Args}),
> report_system_event({mnesia_warning, Format, Args}).
> %% error messages are reported regardless of debug level
> error(Format, Args) ->
> save({Format, Args}),
> report_system_event({mnesia_error, Format, Args}).
> %% verbose messages are reported if debug level == debug or verbose
> verbose(Format, Args) ->
> case mnesia_monitor:get_env(debug) of
> none -> save({Format, Args});
> verbose -> important(Format, Args);
> debug -> important(Format, Args);
> trace -> important(Format, Args)
> end.
> %% debug message are display if debug level == 2
> dbg_out(Format, Args) ->
> case mnesia_monitor:get_env(debug) of
> none -> ignore;
> verbose -> save({Format, Args});
> _ -> report_system_event({mnesia_info, Format, Args})
> end.
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