[erlang-questions] Index Overhead In Mnesia

Hynek Vychodil vychodil.hynek@REDACTED
Tue Jun 10 14:46:22 CEST 2008

It is not obvious, but try change your write:

write(_,0) -> ok;
write(X,N) ->
    T = now(),
    mnesia:write(X#a{id = T, first = T, second = T}),

and think what happened to indexes in previous version :-)

On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 1:51 PM, Ben Hood <0x6e6562@REDACTED> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm looking into the rate of inserting rows in mnesia.
> Having written the attached test (that can be parameterized to insert
> an arbitrary amount of rows in arbitrary chunk sizes), I've found out
> so far that the highest throughput seems to be somebody where between
> 50 and 200 per transaction.
> What surprised me a bit is the magnitude of the effect that index
> maintenance has on the rate of insertion.
> If I place secondary indexes on two non-key attributes, the throughput
> drops off considerably.
> For example, inserting 10000 rows in batches of 1000 whilst
> maintaining 2 non-key indexes produces the following rates of
> insertion per batch:
> rate:insert(10000,1000).
> Batch rate = 10688
> Batch rate = 7182
> Batch rate = 5001
> Batch rate = 4072
> Batch rate = 3300
> Batch rate = 2866
> Batch rate = 2377
> Batch rate = 2166
> Batch rate = 1807
> Batch rate = 1303
> The Batch rate is the amount of inserts per second in each batch.
> This tallies up with the idea that at the beginning the index overhead
> is tiny, but grows on each insertion, which is normal.
> I just didn't think that the throughput would drop off so sharply.
> Does anybody know if I'm doing something completely wrong or if there
> is a much better way to use mnesia with large tables?
> Thanks,
> Ben
> -module(rate).
> -compile(export_all).
> -record(a, {id,first,second}).
> init() ->
>     mnesia:create_schema([node()]),
>     mnesia:start(),
>     mnesia:delete_table(a),
>     mnesia:create_table(a,
>                         [{attributes, record_info(fields, a)}]),
>     mnesia:add_table_index(a,first),
>     mnesia:add_table_index(a,second),
>     ok.
> insert(N,BatchSize) ->
>     mnesia:clear_table(a),
>     batch(N, BatchSize).
> batch(0,_) -> ok;
> batch(N,BS) ->
>     F = fun() -> write(#a{first = BS,second = BS},BS) end,
>     {Time,_} = timer:tc(mnesia,transaction,[F]),
>     io:format("Batch rate = ~p~n",[round(BS / Time * 1000000)]),
>     batch(N - BS, BS).
> write(_,0) -> ok;
> write(X,N) ->
>     mnesia:write(X#a{id = now()}),
>     write(X,N-1).
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--Hynek (Pichi) Vychodil
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