[erlang-questions] Inets application unstarted.

Brian Troutwine goofyheadedpunk@REDACTED
Tue Jul 22 06:20:33 CEST 2008

Hello all,

I'm building my first OTP program, which I'm calling Aule. It's
something simple to mine data through the Amazon web services, which
is REST based. I need inets started as a dependency of Aule.

I've followed the OTP Design Principles "Applications" and the "Inets
User Guide" Http sections most heavily, in addition to man pages and
IRC guidance. All that said, I have my aule.app which looks like so:

>{application, aule,
> [{description, "An Amazon data AAWS data miner"},
>  {vsn, "0.0.1"},
>  {modules, [aaws_functions, aule, aule_supervisor,
>             browse_node_fiend, amazon_interface]},
>  {registered, ['AmazonInterface', 'BrowseNodeFiend']},
>  {applications, [kernel, stdlib, inets]},
>  {mod, {aule,[]}},
>  {env, []}
> ]}.

And a sys.config that looks like so:

> [{kernel, [{start_timer, true}]},
>  {inets, [{services, [{httpc, [{profile, olorin}]}]}]}
> ].

I run, "erl -config sys.config" and then load/start aule like so:

> 1> application:load(aule), application:start(aule).
> {error,{not_started,inets}}

And I'm confused. The OTP Design Principles document states that the
applications field has "[a]ll applications which must be started
before this application is started." I took this to mean that OTP
starts the appropriate applications before aule start. Am I wrong? If
so, what does applications do? If I'm not wrong, what am I missing to
get inets started immediately?

Thanks in advance,

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