[erlang-questions] ERTS external term format questions.

Michael T. Richter ttmrichter@REDACTED
Fri Jul 18 08:59:05 CEST 2008

For testing purposes I need to be able to generate every type of the
External Term Format.  I've been able to do this for every type except
REFERENCE_EXT (the system always gives me a NEW_REFERENCE_EXT) and
FUN_EXT (the system always gives me a NEW_FUN_EXT).  How would I go
about making the run-time generate the older forms from terms?

Michael T. Richter <ttmrichter@REDACTED> (GoogleTalk:
I have to wonder why people think that when they can't manage local
personnel within easy strangling and shooting distance, then they can
manage personnel thousands of miles away that have different languages,
cultures, and business rules. (Joe Celko)
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