[erlang-questions] bug: internal error in v3_codegen

Mateusz Berezecki mateuszb@REDACTED
Sat Jan 19 22:35:45 CET 2008

Hello list,

I am both sorry and amused of reporting this error, as I sort of have  
unlucky day when it comes to erlang. I don't know if it was reported  
before or not,
but here it is

Function: set_bit/2
./bitmap.erl:none: internal error in v3_codegen;
crash reason: {{case_clause,

the code is after the e-mail

best regards,
Mateusz Berezecki

-module (bitmap).
-author ('Mateusz Berezecki').

-export ([gen_bit/2, set_bit/2, clr_bit/2]).
-export ([intersection/4]).

-define (BITMAP_SIZE, 120*8).

gen_bit(0, Acc) -> Acc;
gen_bit(N, Acc) when is_integer(N), N > 0 -> gen_bit(N-1, <<Acc/ 
binary, (random:uniform(2)-1):1>>).

intersection(<<>>, <<>>, _, Acc) -> Acc;
intersection(<<A:1, Rest1/bits>>, <<A:1, Rest2/bits>>, K, Acc) ->
	intersection(Rest1, Rest2, K+1, [K | Acc]);
intersection(<<A:1, Rest1/bits>>, <<B:1, Rest2/bits>>, K, Acc) ->
	intersection(Rest1, Rest2, K+1, Acc).

% sets bit K in the Bitmap
set_bit(<<Start:32/unsigned-little-integer,Bitmap/bits>>, K) when
								is_integer(K) andalso
  								bit_size(Bitmap) >= K andalso
  								0 < K ->
	Before = K-1,
	After = bit_size(Bitmap) - K,
	<<BeforeBits:Before/bits, _:1, AfterBits:After/bits>> = Bitmap,
	<<BeforeBits/bits, 1:1, AfterBits/bits>>.
% clears bit K in the Bitmap
clr_bit(<<Start:32/unsigned-little-integer, Bitmap/bits>>, K) when
								is_integer(K) andalso
  								bit_size(Bitmap) >= K andalso
  								0 < K ->
	Before = K-1,
	After = bit_size(Bitmap) - K,
	<<BeforeBits:Before/bits, _:1, AfterBits:After/bits>> = Bitmap,
	<<BeforeBits/bits, 0:1, AfterBits/bits>>.
%from_list(L) when is_list(L), length(L) <= ?BITMAP_SIZE ->

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