[erlang-questions] ct_cover broken when using packages

Tim Watson watson.timothy@REDACTED
Tue Dec 16 01:16:41 CET 2008

Hi all,

I've noticed that the cover tool seems to break when using packages.
It appears that the cover tool inserts executable code into your
functions such as this:

myfunction() ->
    %% do something
    ets:<some_function>,       %% inserted by cover
    %% etc

This would be fine except that in a module module 1 contained within a
package package1, the atom ets is resolved to 'package1.module1.ets'
which doesn't exist (hopefully!). The correct behaviour would be to
insert '.ets' or to dynamically add an "-import(ets)." to the module
so that 'ets' resolves to '.ets' instead.

Has anyone else come across this? Is there a planned fix?

Many thanks,

Tim Watson

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