[erlang-questions] ussd application using erlang
Richard Andrews
Mon Dec 1 23:06:02 CET 2008
Forget erlang for now. First you will need a C program to interface to the NMS driver libraries.
Read the NMS documentation for interfacing to the relevant SS7 part. The NMS library install has historically come with a large number of C demo programs. See if you can find one that works for USSD.
Once you have a working C program, you can link eg. erl_interface into the C program to allow it to be started as a port and communicate with an erlang node.
From: prasantha kumara <jlprasantha@REDACTED>
To: erlang-questions@REDACTED
Sent: Monday, 1 December, 2008 11:50:37 PM
Subject: [erlang-questions] ussd application using erlang
i am trying to develop a ussd application using erlang and NMS400tx board.i want to get the ussd massage from the TCAP layer.can any one help me to proceed.(any documents).
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