[erlang-questions] [erlang-bugs] Weird pg2 behavior

Matthew Dempsky matthew@REDACTED
Fri Apr 11 18:23:04 CEST 2008

On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 3:02 AM, Matthew Dempsky <matthew@REDACTED> wrote:
>  It would seem like either mnesia's disk_log usage is broken or there's
>  another pg2 bug to be discovered. :(

The other reason I don't think this is the bug we're looking for is
that it doesn't show the symptoms we've experienced.  In particular,
it leaves the dead pid in both the local_members and the members

Our problem is that the pid stays around in only the members table,
not the local_members table.

matthew@REDACTED:~$ erl
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.6.1 [source] [smp:2]
[async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.6.1  (abort with ^G)
1> {pg2:create(foo), pg2:create(bar)}.
2> spawn(fun() -> pg2:join(foo, self()), pg2:leave(bar, self()) end).
3> pg2:get_local_members(foo).
4> pg2:get_members(foo).

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