[erlang-questions] Message-sending performance

Paulo Sérgio Almeida psa@REDACTED
Sat Sep 8 11:52:38 CEST 2007

Hi David,

The problem here is that you are insisting on receiving messages by a 
given order: {msg, X} with X <- [1..N].  Messages sent become 
interleaved in the mailbox; when you try to remove, say {msg, 40000} 
from the 1st process, there are already 10000s of messages in the 
mailbox from the other process before that one, that must be scanned; 
receive becomes very slow.

This is one of the problems one must be keeping an eye on: beware the 
size of the mailbox. In your problem you will see that if you replace 
receive by

                       receive {msg, _} -> ok end

the program will execute extremely fast, as with 1 process.


David King wrote:
> I've noticed that I can send 100,000 messages from one process to  
> another very quickly (less than a second), but if I have two process  
> send 50,000 messages each to a given process, it receives them very  
> slowly (in my test, 36s). I found this using the mapreduce  
> implementation in Joe's book where potentially thousands of processes  
> are spawned and many (potentially very small) messages are sent.
> I assume that this is because the message queue is locked while  
> sending and receiving messages. Is there any way to work around this  
> so that having multiple processes sending many messages each isn't so  
> slow? In my case I'd like the sender and receiver to be working  
> simultaneously, so having each sender process send one large list  
> isn't quite as efficient
> Here it is with one process:
> (nodename@REDACTED)11> message_streamer:stream_messages(100000).
> Receiving 10000 at 63356401790
> Receiving 20000 at 63356401790
> Receiving 30000 at 63356401790
> Receiving 40000 at 63356401790
> Receiving 50000 at 63356401790
> Receiving 60000 at 63356401790
> Receiving 70000 at 63356401790
> Receiving 80000 at 63356401790
> Receiving 90000 at 63356401790
> Done sending 100000 messages
> Receiving 100000 at 63356401790
> 100000 messages in 1s, 1.00000e+5 msg/s
> And here it is with two processes:
> (nodename@REDACTED)9> message_streamer:stream_messages(100000).
> Receiving 10000 at 63356401639
> Receiving 20000 at 63356401643
> Receiving 30000 at 63356401650
> Receiving 40000 at 63356401660
> Receiving 50000 at 63356401673
> Done sending 50000 messages
> Receiving 60000 at 63356401673
> Receiving 70000 at 63356401673
> Receiving 80000 at 63356401673
> Receiving 90000 at 63356401673
> Receiving 100000 at 63356401673
> Done sending 50000 messages
> 100000 messages in 36s, 2777.78 msg/s
> In the multiple-process case, it actually slows down as more messages  
> are sent until one of the processes completes, and then it receives  
> them all very quickly. Here's the code:
> --- code begins ---
> -module(message_streamer).
> -compile(export_all).
> stream_messages(N) ->
>    Self=self(),
>    Start=myapp_util:now(),
>    List=lists:seq(1,N),
>    Split_List=split_list(List,erlang:system_info(schedulers)),
>    lists:foreach(fun(Sublist) ->
>                      spawn_link(fun() ->
>                          lists:foreach(fun(Which) ->
>                                            Self ! {msg,Which}
>                                       end,
>                                     Sublist),
>                          io:format("Done sending ~p messages~n", 
> [length(Sublist)])
>                        end)
>                    end, Split_List),
>    lists:foreach(fun(Which) ->
>                      case Which rem (N div 10) of
>                          0 ->
>                            io:format("Receiving ~p at ~p ~n", 
> [Which,myapp_util:now()]);
>                          _ -> ok
>                        end,
>                      receive {msg,Which} -> ok end
>                    end,
>                  List),
>    Time=case myapp_util:now()-Start of
>             0 -> 1;
>             X -> X
>           end,
>    io:format("~p messages in ~ps, ~p msg/s~n",[N,Time,N/Time]).
> %% splits a list into equal parts
> %% split_list([1,2,3,4,5,6],2) -> [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
> split_list(List,Pieces) ->
>    Length=length(List),
>    lists:reverse(split_list(List,Length div Pieces,Length,[])).
> split_list([], _Per_Piece, 0, Acc) ->
>    Acc;
> split_list(List, Per_Piece, Length, Acc) when Length>=Per_Piece ->
>    {Short,Long} = lists:split(Per_Piece,List),
>    split_list(Long, Per_Piece, Length-Per_Piece, [ Short | Acc ]);
> split_list(List, Per_Piece, Length, Acc) when Length <Per_Piece ->
>    {Short,Long} = lists:split(Length, List),
>    split_list(Long, Per_Piece, Length-Length, [ Short | Acc ]).
> --- code ends ---
> myapp_util:now() just looks like:
> now() ->
>    calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(calendar:universal_time()).
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Paulo Sérgio Almeida                             Email: psa@REDACTED
Dep. Informatica - Universidade do Minho         Phone: +351 253 604451
Campus de Gualtar - 4710-057 Braga - PORTUGAL    Fax  : +351 253 604471

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