[erlang-questions] Tilera 64-core chip - let's help them help us!

Thomas Lindgren thomasl_erlang@REDACTED
Thu Sep 6 15:37:54 CEST 2007

--- Hugh Perkins <hughperkins@REDACTED> wrote:

> What are good resources I can read to find out how
> Erlang programs get
> split across different processors?
> What about things like maps?  To what extent
> can/will Erlang map them
> across different processors?

Here is the 5,000 ft view of how it works in
Erlang/OTP on Unix:

An Erlang node is basically a Unix heavyweight
process. If you are using SMP, then the Erlang
processes ready to run on that node are scheduled onto
the available threads from a global run queue.
(Without SMP, the ready processes are handled by the
main thread only.) Port programs and suchlike may
additionally run in a separate thread pool.

There are variations on the details in the literature,
but this is also a fairly 'standard' way of
implementing these things.

You can use a number of libraries, such as rpc or
slave, to map computations onto nodes. Or roll your
own. Hope this helps.


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