[erlang-questions] Tools for Erlangers

Dustin Sallings dustin@REDACTED
Sun Sep 2 05:13:56 CEST 2007

On Sep 1, 2007, at 14:44, Garry Hodgson wrote:

>> {"src/*", [debug_info, {outdir, "ebin"}, {i, "include"}]}.
> but how do you manage all of the complexity in that makefile  
> without an IDE?

	You know, there is some validity to that question.  I found that  
snippet on some page that pointed out the existence of the erl make  
thing as it was describing a sort of standard layout for a project.   
If this layout is ``standard,'' it'd be great to not have the  
Emakefile at all.  :)

Dustin Sallings

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