[erlang-questions] how: string stream?
Bengt Kleberg
Wed Oct 31 13:30:23 CET 2007
thank you for the link. i am not sure that is what i meant, though.
some time ago (1 year?) there was a repeat on this list of a
string-as-io-object discussion that happened 3(?) years ago. i think you
wrote that you had a ram-file module that could do this whereas i
recommended my string_io. you convinced me that ram-file was a superset
of string_io since it could do both files and strings.
i could be mistaken.
Those were the days...
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On 2007-10-31 10:34, Ulf Wiger (TN/EAB) wrote:
> Bengt Kleberg wrote:
>> greetings,
>> there are at least two string streams that i know of. Ulf Wiger has
>> one and I have one (string_io). his should be better.
> I assume you mean this:
> http://erlhive.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/erlhive/trunk/lib/erlhive/src/erlhive_ram_file_io_server.erl?revision=57&view=markup
> used in this fasion:
> http://erlhive.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/erlhive/trunk/lib/erlhive/src/erlhive_rewrite.erl?revision=64&view=markup
> 121 parse_string(Str, Fname) ->
> 122 {ok, Fd} = open_ram_file(Fname),
> 123 file:write(Fd, Str),
> 124 file:position(Fd, 0),
> 125 case epp_dodger:parse(Fd) of
> 126 {ok, Tree} ->
> 127 close_ram_file(Fd),
> 128 Tree;
> 129 Error ->
> 130 close_ram_file(Fd),
> 131 erlang:error(Error)
> 132 end.
> 133
> 134
> 135 open_ram_file(Fname) ->
> 136 erlhive_ram_file_io_server:start(self(), Fname, [read,write]).
> 137
> 138 close_ram_file(Fd) ->
> 139 file:close(Fd).
> It's not exactly a string stream, though.
> BR,
> Ulf W
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