[erlang-questions] GUID
Thu Oct 25 17:24:50 CEST 2007
I have piece of code, but with no function to read the MAC address of
the local machine interfaces:
number_to_based_str(Number, Base) -> number_to_based_str(Number, Base, []).
number_to_based_str(Number, Base, Digits) when is_integer(Digits) ->
Str = number_to_based_str(Number, Base, []),
case Digits - length(Str) of
Rem when Rem > 0 -> lists:duplicate(Rem, $0) ++ Str;
_ -> Str
number_to_based_str(Number, Base, _Acc) when Number < Base ->
[element(Number + 1, ?NUM_CHR_LOWER)];
number_to_based_str(Number, Base, Acc) ->
Msd = Number div Base,
Lsd = Number rem Base,
case Msd >= Base of
true -> number_to_based_str(Msd, Base, [element(Lsd + 1,
false -> [element(Msd + 1, ?NUM_CHR_LOWER)|[element(Lsd + 1,
%% @doc Generates a GUID per http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt
(version 1 generator)
gen_guid() ->
TimeIn100NanosBeg = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({{1582,
10, 15}, {0, 0, 0}}) * 10000000,
{_MegaSecs, _Secs, MicroSecs} = now(),
TimeIn100NanosNow =
calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(calendar:universal_time()) *
10000000 + MicroSecs * 10,
Time = TimeIn100NanosNow - TimeIn100NanosBeg,
TimeStr = number_to_based_str(Time, 16, 2),
TimeStr1 =
case 15 - length(TimeStr) of
Rem when Rem > 0 -> lists:duplicate(Rem, $0) ++ TimeStr;
_ -> TimeStr
TimeHiV = lists:sublist(TimeStr1, 1, 3) ++ "1", %% add version number 1,
TimeMid = lists:sublist(TimeStr1, 4, 4),
TimeLow = lists:sublist(TimeStr1, 8, 8),
ClockSeqHiV = io_format("~2.16.0b", [(random:uniform(256) - 1)
band 16#3f bor 16#80]), %% multiplexed variant type (2 bits)
ClockSeqLow = io_format("~2.16.0b", [(random:uniform(256) - 1)]),
Node = "001b631ee26b", %% an Ethernet MAC
TimeLow ++ "-" ++ TimeMid ++ "-" ++ TimeHiV ++ "-" ++ ClockSeqHiV
++ ClockSeqLow ++ "-" ++ Node.
%% @doc Generates a random GUID per
http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt (version 4 generator)
%% e.g. output: 372472a2-d557-4630-bc7d-bae54c934da1
%% word*2-, word-, (w)ord-, (w)ord-, word*3
gen_guid_v4() ->
fun (I, Acc) ->
B = random:uniform(256) - 1, %% return random number
between 0, 255
S = if I == 7 -> %% multiplex version number (4 bits)
B1 = B band 16#0f bor 16#40, %% version 4 (random)
%% The last 0 in 2.16.0 means fill with
leading 0 if necessay
io_format("~2.16.0b", [B1]);
I == 9 -> %% multiplexed variant type (2 bits)
B1 = B band 16#3f bor 16#80,
io_format("~2.16.0b", [B1]);
I == 4; I == 6; I == 8; I == 10 ->
io_format("~2.16.0b-", [B]);
true ->
io_format("~2.16.0b", [B])
Acc ++ S
end, [], lists:seq(1, 16)).
On 10/25/07, Joe Armstrong <erlang@REDACTED> wrote:
> Does anybody have some Erlang code to generate a GUID?
> (or to read the MAC address of the local machine interfaces?)
> Thanks
> /Joe
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- Caoyuan
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