[erlang-questions] Using select in a Port
Michael Schreckenbauer
Fri Oct 19 10:48:44 CEST 2007
Am Freitag, 19. Oktober 2007 schrieb jm:
> What I think is the relevent bits of code is below. It appears that
> select() is returning saying that something is waiting to be read on
> stdin, read_cmd() then fails to read the two byte header and returns -1.
> Simply put what's the fix? Have I missed something to do with select()?
imo you missed something to do with read ;)
> The read_cmd() and read_exact() are take from "Programming Erlang" and
> http://www.trapexit.org/How_to_use_ei_to_marshal_binary_terms_in_port_progr
>ams and should be correct.
They are, for reading from stdin. See below.
> Any help appreciated.
> Jeff.
> /**************** code extract ***************/
> int main() {
> .....
> maxfd = setup_select(nlist, &readfds);
> while ((retval = select(maxfd + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL)) >= 0) {
This proceeds, if at least one(!) of the fds you gave won't block, when you do
a read on it. That could be stdin or any other.
> if FD_ISSET(0, &readfds) {
> memset(buf, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
> read_cmd(buf, &size);
Here you check the right fd, but read_cmd always uses stdin.
The nonblocking fd is 3, your file, as you can see in the debug output. So
read_cmd must fail. It needs an additional parameter holding the fd you want
to use.
I don't want to bore you, but there's nobody else around for me to bore.
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