[erlang-questions] "Erlang plus BDB: Disrupting the Conventional Web Wisdom"
Dan Gudmundsson
Fri Oct 12 11:48:09 CEST 2007
The problem is that it requires an amount of mnesia hacking to get it
right. I didn't like/include RDBMS approch because mnesia currently have
such a lousy support for doing things like this. Plugins needs a major
rewrite. Synapse cheated heavily, it worked for their purpose but wont
work in another setup.
Torbjorn Tornkvist wrote:
> Claes Wikstrom wrote:
>> Damien Morton wrote:
>>> Is there any reason why Mnesia couldnt use BDB instead of dets?
>> It could, and that would indeed remedy one of the weak points of
>> mnesia as of today, i.e. dets.
>> Dets is a fine module, but it is certainly beginning to show
>> its age. When it was written, 12 years ago, the 4G space limitation
>> seemed as a minor issue.
>> We need to do a dets rewrite which addresses the two issues
>> of size and repair speed. Once those two issues are fixed, I think
>> mnesia stands up just fine to the rest of the dbs out there.
> <wild idea>
> Perhaps some of the companies that have an interest in this
> could cough up funding for one person to do this?
> </wild idea>
> --Tobbe
>> Until then
>> Mnesia only rock if we're sure that the amount of data in our largest
>> table is limited to a few Gig.
>> BDB is certainly a fine DB, but don't forget it's really expensive
>> unless you're whipping up a db backend for your local high school
>> or some such.
>> /klacke
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