[erlang-questions] Beginners question on pattern matching

Chandru chandrashekhar.mullaparthi@REDACTED
Fri Oct 5 18:07:11 CEST 2007

On 05/10/2007, Alexander Lamb <alexander.lamb@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hello List,
> I am starting on Erlang. I read most of the new Erlang book. However, I am
> lost with something really simple and probably stupid.
> I am reading a file, line by line.
> Each line is in the form
> "a_code" , a_date
> The quotes (") are present in the file, as well as the comma. For example:
> "C51CBA979E4311D67900201842D2EEE81",2003-08-07
> I would like to cut the string into pieces (to be able to modify it...).
> Again, this is a test to learn Erlang, I know how to do this in two lines of
> Ruby :-). I could also probably use a built in function to parse the string.
> But I would like to understand pattern matching and lists.
> So I wrote this, first read the file:
> start() ->
>  case file:open("ENRL_ENROLLMENT.csv",read) of
>  {ok, S} ->
>  Val = do_read(S),
>  file:close(S),
>  Result = process_lines(Val),
>  {ok,Result};
>  {error, Why} ->
>  {error, Why}
>  end.
> Then the lines:
> do_read(S) ->
>  case io:get_line(S,'') of
>  eof -> [];
>  Line -> [Line | do_read(S)]
>  end.
> Then process each line in the list of lines:
> process_lines(Lines) ->
>  [Date || [_Code | "," ++ Date] <- Lines].
> Something is wrong, because it compiles but here is what I get:
> 11> c(csv_convert.erl).
> {ok,csv_convert}
> 12> csv_convert:start().
> {ok,[]}
> If each line is actually a list of characters, why can't I match the pattern
> I want???
> Thanks for any hint (or examples) !!

For pattern matching with lists, you have to specify how to match each
element of the list. The way you've written your code, your are
looking for a regular expression capability in your pattern match
which doesn't exist.

Your code can be easily made to work like this.

do_read(S) ->
    case io:get_line(S,'') of
	eof -> [];
	Line -> [string:tokens(Line, ",") | do_read(S)]     %% Change here

process_lines(Lines) ->
    [Date || [_Code, Date] <- Lines].      %% and a change here.


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