[erlang-questions] garbage collection questions
Doug Currie
Mon Oct 1 23:37:14 CEST 2007
Digging into Erlang a bit, I was dismayed by the use of get & put in
the shootout benchmark nsieve
I noted the use of ets and then hipe bytearray in
But I am running on Windows, so no HiPE :-(
Evaluating the use of integers to replace bytearray just for fun (I
was not expecting it to be competitive), I ran into GC problems.
Here is the code:
main(N) when N >= 2 -> gcst(), ns(N), gcst(), gcst(), ns(N-1), gcst(), ns(N-2), gcst().
gcst() ->
io:fwrite("GC: ~p~n", [statistics(garbage_collection)]).
ns(N) ->
M = (1 bsl N)*10000,
io:fwrite("Primes up to ~8.10B ~8.10B~n", [M, ns(0, 2, M, 0)]).
ns(_, I, M, C) when I > M -> C;
ns(B, I, M, C) ->
case is_prime(B, I) of
true -> ns(mark(B, I, M, I+I), I+1, M, C+1);
false -> ns(B, I+1, M, C)
mark(B, _, M, K) when K > M -> B;
mark(B, I, M, K) -> mark(not_prime(B, K), I, M, K+I).
is_prime(B, I) -> 0 =:= ((1 bsl I) band B).
not_prime(B, K) -> ((1 bsl K) bor B).
Here is what happens:
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.5.5 [async-threads:0]
Eshell V5.5.5 (abort with ^G)
1> cd("../../../..").
2> c(nsieve_e).
3> timer:tc(nsieve_e,main,[6]).
GC: {412,513637,0}
Primes up to 640000 52074
GC: {4540,144952244,0}
GC: {4541,144952601,0}
Primes up to 320000 27608
GC: {6659,4192756888,0}
Primes up to 160000 14683
GC: {7400,4055981814,0}
4> timer:tc(nsieve_e,main,[7]).
GC: {7410,4055985246,0}
Crash dump was written to: erl_crash.dump
eheap_alloc: Cannot allocate 373662860 bytes of memory (of type "heap").
Abnormal termination
The code produces the correct answers (slowly), and should not
accumulate garbage since the loops are all tail recursive.
Two questions:
Why isn't the garbage being collected inside my ns (or mark) loop?
How does the Words_Reclaimed go down between:
GC: {6659,4192756888,0}
Primes up to 160000 14683
GC: {7400,4055981814,0}
Doug Currie
Londonderry, NH, USA
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