[erlang-questions] benchmarks game harsh criticism
Bengt Kleberg
Fri Nov 30 10:20:37 CET 2007
thanks for the answer. i especially appreciate that you will not harass
me and instead make it easy for me. that is good because it really feels
uncomfortable to be the target of your normal email writing.
quotes from "Timing Trials, or, the Trials of Timing" as per request:
"* Memory-related issues and the effects of memory hierarchies are
pervasive: how memory is managed, from hardware caches to garbage
collection, can change runtimes dramatically. Yet users have no direct
control over most aspects of memory management. "
"We started to construct a table with three dimensions: task,
programming language, and machine. Eventually we added the size of the
problem solved by the program as a fourth dimension, and we changed the
presentation from tables to graphs. Varying the problem size helped us
to detect unusual runtime effects, while a graphical presentation
highlights patterns and trends in runtime instead of individual
performance scores."
"We designed tests whose runtime should grow linearly with the size of
the problem: runtime = mÂ?size + b. Thus, if we choose size to be large
enough to justify ignoring the fixed overhead (b), the log-log plot
should show a straight line of unit slope. Exceptions indicate anomalous
behavior that deserves further attention."
Now it is your turn. could you quote the exact words where they say that
4 inputs and a spread of x10 is good enough?
Those were the days...
EPO guidelines 1978: "If the contribution to the known art resides
solely in a computer program then the subject matter is not
patentable in whatever manner it may be presented in the claims."
On 11/28/07 19:20, Isaac Gouy wrote:
> --- Bengt Kleberg <bengt.kleberg@REDACTED> wrote:
> -snip-
>> however, at this time i really would like for you, Isaac Gouy, to do
>> more work when it comes to answering emails in this thread. it is not
>> pressing, take your time, but i have one outstanding question that i
>> would appreciate if you answered so that i may move on with the rest.
> When you asked a meta-question
>>> what does this question have to do with the subject matter of this
>>> discussion?
> and ignored all parts of my post that directly addressed what you read
> into Kernighan and Van Wyk, it seemed to me you did not want to discuss
> the comments you had made, and it wasn't so important to me that I
> would harass you until you answered.
> I'll make it easy for you - the question has nothing to do with the
> subject matter of this discussion - it's an aside.
> I asked that you quote the exact words where "kvw recommends
> investigating" a wide spectrum of inputs.
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