[erlang-questions] Forget Erlang on the Java VM. More language on the Erlang VM are needed!

Toby Thain toby@REDACTED
Thu Nov 29 00:46:18 CET 2007

On 28-Nov-07, at 2:45 PM, Joe Armstrong wrote:

> ... YOU CAN'T SELL TO THE MAINSTREAM. I have wasted years of my life
> trying to do this - do you know how many grey hairs I have? One for
> each person like this.

> ... Some guys at a business
> school should do case-studies on the actual mechanism involved in
> technology transfer and not the crap you read in books.

> ...    That weeks work was critical for Wren and for the  
> architecture of London.
>     If you're in one of these phases where things don't happen bide
> your time. Write an operating system in your spare time ...

+101 Insightful. Great post, Joe.


> /Joe Armstrong

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