[erlang-questions] program: custom output filters in the shell
Ulf Wiger
Sat Nov 10 12:19:48 CET 2007
Richard's presentation of the array module at the EUC inspired me
to try to address one of the notable drawbacks of using modules
like dict, gb_trees, xmerl, et al: when you get output in the shell,
they are not pretty to look at.
But the shell can be told to recognize records, and pretty-print
them. Why can't I tell it how to recognize other data structures
as well?
I include a hack of io_lib_pretty.erl and shell.erl that makes it so.
It is, as far as I can tell, backwards compatible, but allows you to
provide a fun along these lines:
fun(Term) -> {custom,Tag,Recurse,Output} | no
where Tag = atom()
Recurse = boolean()
Output = any()
Recurse tells the pretty-printer whether to apply the filter fun
recursively to Output as well.
(I think it could rather easily be extended to also support e.g.
{pre_formatted, Tag, IoList}, but I didn't do that.)
New shell commands:
fa(Tag, Fun) - registers a filter fun
fl() - lists filter funs
fr(Tag) - removes a filter fun
1> dict:from_list([{N,a} || N <- lists:seq(1,5)]).
2> rr(code:which(dict)).
3> fa(dict,fun(#dict{}=D) ->
{custom,dict,true,dict:dict_to_list(D)};(_) -> no end).
4> v(1).
5> xmerl_scan:string("<doc><title>Example doc</title><h1>chapter
1</h1><p>some text</p><h1>chapter 2</h1><p>some more text</p></doc>").
{{xmlElement,doc, ....}} % I'll spare you the agony
6> rr("/usr/local/lib/erlang/lib/xmerl-1.1.2/include/xmerl.hrl").
7> fa(xmerl,fun(#xmlElement{}=E) ->
{custom,xml,true,xmerl_lib:simplify_element(E)}; (_) -> no end).
8> v(5).
[{title,[],["Example doc"]},
{h1,[],["chapter 1"]},
{p,[],["some text"]},
{h1,[],["chapter 2"]},
{p,[],["some more text"]}]}|>,
Ulf W
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