[erlang-questions] Random newbie stuff
Thomas Lindgren
Sun Nov 4 16:36:01 CET 2007
--- Dennis Byrne <dbyrne@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hello Ulf,
> If you have a function that is 100% predictable,
> couldn't there be some
> serious performance gains given that the function is
> frequently passed the
> same message? In other words, why put a core to
> work calculating the
> result you gave last time someone sent you a given
> message? It would be
> better to use this function to spawn a process that
> could use the process
> dictionary as a cache (one that would never expire).
> Unless ... are gets and puts to the dictionary
> thread safe?
Since put/get is local to the thread, they are.
Anyway, here is global memoization:
- start a set table ?memo (not shown)
- if M:F(A1,...,An) has been called before, use the
precomputed result
- otherwise, compute it, store the result and return
memo_apply(M, F, As) ->
Key = {M, F, As},
case ets:lookup(?memo, Key) of
[{_, Res}] ->
[] ->
case catch apply(M, F, As) of
{'EXIT', Rsn} ->
Res ->
ets:insert(?memo, {Key, Res}),
Do note that in general memoization can leak a lot of
memory, and that for Erlang you will have to clear the
table when there is code change.
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