[erlang-questions] regexp sux!
Darius Bacon
Mon May 21 08:02:43 CEST 2007
> Howdy,
> In fact my requirements are as simple as:
> 1. available in the next few hours :-)
> 2. can't be wedged by bad input (e.g. "x**" infinite loop),
> since I want to use user-configurable regexps
Here's a lightly-tested hack -- I'm not familiar with the existing
libraries so this is from scratch.
-export([fail/0, empty/0, element/1, seq/2, alt/2, optional/1, star/1, plus/1]).
-export([all_matches/2, match/2]).
% A regex G is a pair {Nullable, R}
% where the bool Nullable is true iff the empty string is to be matched,
% and other matching is determined by R, one of:
% zero never matches anything
% one matches the empty string
% {element, C} matches one character, C
% {seq, R1, R2} matches R1's language followed by R2's
% {alt, R1, R2} matches the union of R1 and R2's languages
% {plus, R} matches 1 or more R's
% where the R's *must not* match the empty string, except that one
% subexpression of a seq may when the other does not.
% Use only the following constructors, to enforce this invariant.
% (Termination of the matcher depends on it.)
% (Many of the cases below are optimizations not needed for correctness --
% e.g. the first two seq/2 cases.)
fail() -> {false, zero}.
empty() -> {true, zero}.
element(C) -> {false, {element, C}}.
seq({N, zero}, G) -> if N -> G; true -> {false, zero} end;
seq(G, {N, zero}) -> if N -> G; true -> {false, zero} end;
seq({true, R1}, {N2, R2}) -> {N2, {seq, either(one, R1), R2}};
seq({false, R1}, {true, R2}) -> {false, {seq, R1, either(one, R2)}};
seq({false, R1}, {false, R2}) -> {false, {seq, R1, R2}}.
alt({N1, R1}, {N2, R2}) -> {N1 or N2, either(R1, R2)}.
optional({_, R}) -> {true, R}.
star({_, R}) -> {false, S} = plus({false, R}),
{true, S}.
plus({N, zero}) -> {N, zero};
plus({N, {plus, R}}) -> {N, {plus, R}};
plus({N, R}) -> {N, {plus, R}}.
either(zero, R2) -> R2;
either(R1, zero) -> R1;
either(R, R) -> R;
either(R1, R2) -> {alt, R1, R2}.
% all_matches(regex(), list(C)) -> list(list(C))
% returns the tails of the input after all successful matches.
all_matches(G, S) -> ll_to_list(match(G, S)).
% match(regex(), list(C)) -> lazylist(list(C))
match({true, R}, S) -> m(either(one, R), S);
match({false, R}, S) -> m(R, S).
m(zero, _) -> [];
m(one, S) -> singleton(S);
m({element, C}, [C|S]) -> singleton(S);
m({element, _}, _) -> [];
m({seq, R1, R2}, S) -> ll_flatmap(fun (S1) -> m(R2, S1) end,
m(R1, S));
m({alt, R1, R2}, S) -> ll_append(m(R1, S),
fun () -> m(R2, S) end);
m({plus, R}, S) -> ll_flatmap(fun (S1) ->
[S1 | fun () -> m({plus, R}, S1) end]
m(R, S)).
% The type lazylist(X) is [] | [X | fun() -> lazylist(X) end].
ll_to_list([]) -> [];
ll_to_list([H|TF]) -> [H | ll_to_list(TF()) ].
singleton(X) -> [X | fun () -> [] end].
ll_append([], F) -> F();
ll_append([H|TF], F) -> [H | fun () -> ll_append(TF(), F) end].
ll_flatmap(_, []) -> [];
ll_flatmap(F, [H|TF]) -> ll_append(F(H),
fun () -> ll_flatmap(F, TF()) end).
-import(ergex, [fail/0, empty/0, element/1, any/0,
seq/2, alt/2, optional/1, star/1, plus/1]).
% N.B. no proper syntax error messages yet -- we just crash.
parse(S) -> {G, ""} = expr(S),
expr(S) -> case term(S) of
{G1, "|"++S1} -> {G2, S2} = expr(S1),
{alt(G1, G2), S2};
{G1, S1} -> {G1, S1}
term(S) -> {G1, S1} = factor(S),
case S1 of
[C|_] when C /= $", C /= $), C /= $], C /= $| ->
{G2, S2} = term(S1),
{seq(G1, G2), S2};
_ -> {G1, S1}
factor(S) -> postfix(thingy(S)).
postfix({G, "*"++S}) -> postfix({star(G), S});
postfix({G, "+"++S}) -> postfix({plus(G), S});
postfix({G, "?"++S}) -> postfix({optional(G), S});
postfix({G, S}) -> {G, S}.
thingy("") -> {empty(), ""};
thingy("("++S) -> {G1, ")"++S1} = expr(S),
{G1, S1};
thingy("["++S) -> {Chars, S1} = charset(S),
{make_charset(Chars), S1};
thingy([C|S]) -> case lists:member(C, "*+?|()[]") of
true -> {empty(), [C|S]};
false -> {element(C), S}
charset("]"++S) -> {[], S};
charset([C|S]) -> {Chars, S1} = charset(S),
{[C|Chars], S1}.
make_charset([]) -> fail();
make_charset([C|Cs]) -> alt(element(C), make_charset(Cs)).
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