[erlang-questions] Erlang math libraries

Matthias Lang matthias@REDACTED
Wed May 16 12:01:42 CEST 2007

Matthias > > This sort of stuff is a fair way off Erlang's beaten path.

Jay > That's too bad, many big numerical computations are highly 
Jay > parallelizable which seems to be the big sell of erlang. 
Jay > Are there reasons these problems are not solved with erlang?


  The first big and successful Erlang projects were telecom control 
  systems. Using Erlang in similar applications is thus fairly
  low-risk. Which makes it the beaten path by default.

Attempt at a big picture:

  There's a range of ways to "do things in parallel" and they
  differ radically in scale. At one extreme you have 
  parallelism at the instruction level, e.g. a TI 6x DSP executes 8 
  instructions every clock cycle and doesn't care (1) about data 
  dependencies. Then you move up through things like hyperthreading
  to approaches with multiple cores sharing one on-die L2 cache and
  then separate CPUs sharing main memory. After that come shared-bus
  systems (blades) and then LAN-coupled approaches (clusters). After
  that come even more loosely coupled systems.

  You can expect Erlang to be a good candidate for exploiting 
  hardware which "does things in parallel" for two mostly
  independent reasons.

  One reason is basically as per the 1977 Backus paper (2), which I
  think boils down to "functional programs are more amenable to
  fine-grained parallelisation". The sort of parallelisation which,
  say, a TI 6x DSP provides. I don't think Erlang even attempts to
  exploit this in practice.
  Another reason is that Erlang programs are naturally divided
  into many largely independent processes. This lets you exploit
  the sort of parallelism in the range from multicore to cluster.
  Lots of Erlang systems win from this in practice, even ones which
  weren't even written with such hardware in mind. This is a big
  selling point for people writing, say, control systems for 
  telecom switches.

  For people writing numerical applications, the easily exploited 
  gains from coarse-grained parallelism might be attractive, or
  they might not. It's certainly not as clear a win, especially not
  when the competition in that area is so stiff.

If anyone has a reference to something, anything, which formalises the
concept of "scale in paralellism", I'd love to know about it. Others
on the list have tried to distinguish between "concurrency" and
"parallelism", but I haven't seen anything which suggests that there's
a widely accepted difference in meaning.


(1) I.e. if two of those 8 instructions write to the same register,
    that is your problem, not the CPUs. In practice, the C compiler
    takes care of that, but it sure makes single-stepping the machine
    code interesting.

(2) http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs242/readings/backus.pdf
    I last read this paper years ago. It's possible I've completely
    mischaracterised its contents.

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