[erlang-questions] Suggestion for a spell corrector implementation

Joe Armstrong erlang@REDACTED
Tue May 15 12:18:28 CEST 2007

It's rather difficult to read your code - is it possible to indent the code
so as to show the structure, and use shorter function names etc. this would make
it much more readable


 You could write deletions like this:

deletions(Word) ->
    [Word -- [I] || I <- Word]

-- is the list subtraction operator

The 3'rd clause of transposition_edits is a mess


transposition_edits(Before, [Current, Next | After], Edits) ->
    transposition_edits([Current | Before],
			[Next | After],
			[ lists:reverse(Before) ++ [Next, Current] ++ After |


transposition_edits(Before, [Current, Next | After], Edits) ->
    transposition_edits([Current | Before],
			[Next | After],
			reverse(Before, [Next, Current|After]) | Edits]).

I'd probably write it like this

trans([H,H1|T], Before, L) ->
    trans([H1|T], [H|Before], [reverse(Before, [H1,H|After]) | L]

The convention I use is to put the list I am "reducing" on the far left
and call the variables [H|T] etc. the "result" is the last argument - it's
a list (called L).

Whenever you see ++ think "can I get rid of this"


On 5/14/07, Federico Feroldi <pix@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> following the Spell Corrector implementation in 20 lines of Python code
> made by Peter Norvig (http://www.norvig.com/spell-correct.html) I wanted
> to try an Erlang one, here's what I did:
> http://www.pixzone.com/blog/223/spell-corrector-aka-google-suggest-in-erlang-first-part/
> It's a bit more that 20 lines of code but it can be probably refactored
> and optimized, I'm open to any suggestions on how to improve the code!
> thanks
> -federico
> http://www.pixzone.com/blog/
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