[erlang-questions] : compile module from string, containing macro definitions

Richard Carlsson richardc@REDACTED
Thu Mar 15 23:08:35 CET 2007

Raimo Niskanen wrote:
> Have you compared these with the undocumented ram_file.
> It seems to me at a first glance they do approximately
> the same job.

I wasn't aware of the ram_file module (is anyone supposed to be aware of
it, and what is it mainly used for?), but to me, it looks at a first
glance that they have little in common. My module uses no special
driver, and can connect a reader and a writer as a pipe without having
to store the entire file, or create a readable stream from a string;
however, it does not support seeking. Since ram_file is not documented
(not even in the code) it's a bit hard to see what it can and can't do.

By the way, why just a ram_file, and not a full ram-disk file system?


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