[erlang-questions] ssh_cli strange printouts

Ingela Anderton Andin ingela@REDACTED
Tue Feb 20 16:13:49 CET 2007

Huum... someone must have checked in debug printouts by mistake. The erlang:display(?LINE)'s
below should not be there! Those are the printouts you get.  

handle_info({ssh_cm, _CM,
	     {window_change, _Channel, Width, Height, PixWidth, PixHeight}},
	    State) ->
    erlang:display(?LINE),  % line 164 of ssh_cli.erl
    #state{buf = Buf, pty = Pty, cm = CM, channel = Channel} = State,
    erlang:display(?LINE),  % line 166 of ssh_cli.erl
    NewPty = Pty#ssh_pty{width = Width, height = Height,
			 pixel_width = PixWidth,
			 pixel_height = PixHeight},
    erlang:display(?LINE), % line 170 of ssh_cli.erl
    {Chars, NewBuf} = io_request({window_change, Pty}, Buf, NewPty),
    erlang:display(?LINE), % line 172 of ssh_cli.erl
    write_chars(CM, Channel, Chars),
    erlang:display(?LINE),% line 174 of ssh_cli.erl
    {noreply, State#state{pty = NewPty, buf = NewBuf}};
I will make sure they are removed for the next release.

Regards Ingela - OTP team

> Using R11B-3 on openSuSE 10.3.

> I am making a CLI using the ssh_cli module.
> I have noticed that when I resize the window with the ssh client
> I get a lot of printouts in the erlang shell. It is always the same sequence
> like this.

> 164
> 166
> 170
> 172
> 174
> 164
> 166
> 170
> 172
> 174

> Does anyone have any ideas what it can be.


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