[erlang-questions] Executing external commands
Richard Carlsson
Mon Feb 12 10:04:20 CET 2007
Fernando Ipar wrote:
> I'm looking for a way to run external commands in erlang and get it's
> exit code back to erlang.
> As far as I understand, os:cmd(Command) only returns the output of
> running the program.
> Is there a way to get the exit code from the command, or do I have to
> implement an external program to run these commands and communicate
> back and forth with erlang through a port?
You can roll your own version of command/1. I use a piece of code
like the following to run external commands in EUnit:
command(Cmd) ->
Opt = [stream, exit_status, use_stdio,
stderr_to_stdout, in, eof],
P = open_port({spawn, Cmd}, Opt),
get_data(P, []).
get_data(P, D) ->
{P, {data, D1}} ->
get_data(P, [D|D1]);
{P, eof} ->
{P, {exit_status, N}} ->
{N, lists:reverse(D)}
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