[erlang-questions] Memory usage by Mnesia growing to fast and it seems very strange

Dmitriy Gorbenko bazil@REDACTED
Mon Dec 17 13:39:54 CET 2007

Hi all.

Well, I have two .erl files, which makes Mnesia allocating a lot of
memory and vary fast.

What they are doing ? First file wrote to Mnesia table some values, and
then into loop tries to read this value.
Second file only writes to mnesia table in loop, and nothing else.

You can find in this two test ties to use flags like "fullsweep_after",
but they also did not help - memory continue constantly growing.

So, If anyone knows why those test produces so much memory usage, please
- reply me.

Inside the files, you can find small readme, how to run them.
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